Monday, January 13, 2014

Blogging for Class! Yes!

Well...this may be the coolest class I've ever taken because I get to do something I kind of like, blogging. The class is called "Understanding Emerging Media" and it is taught at the University of North Florida. I am very much looking forward to this class and to see where this blog goes. I think I may blog about stuff happening in Jacksonville such as food, drinks, and events. I'm all about keeping up with stuff like that in Jax, this is why I call my blog, "Up in Jax."

I also have another blog that originally started as a professional portfolio for an internship program. I've turned it around a little bit and began to blog about random, but not so personal topics. You'll find a little bit of my portfolio of graphics and photography that I've done. Check it out while "Up in Jax" is in development. >>>
